Wednesday, April 17, 2013

42: Reviewed

Full disclosure:  I love baseball and baseball movies.

"42" is the true story of Jackie Robinson's journey to becoming the first African American to play in the Major Leagues.

My advice to you is to run, don't walk, to see this movie.  

Not a fan of baseball?  Don't worry.  This movie is less about baseball and more about the state of racial inequalities that faced Robinson in 1947.  Baseball is merely the backdrop.  And if you are a baseball fan, it's even more enjoyable.  Although, the subject matter isn't always enjoyable.  There are scenes in the movie of overt racism that will make you cringe...hard.

The movie is a lengthy 2:08 but seemingly flies by.  Harrison Ford plays Brooklyn Dodgers owner Branch Rickey and will most likely receive Oscar consideration.  He's brilliant.  

The movie is so good and educational that I would make it mandatory viewing for seventh grade history classes everywhere. 

On this occasion, I brought Dad and Red Sox Daughter along.  Dad was 15 when Robinson broke into the Major Leagues. He recalls it happening back in '47, but he didn't realize some of the particulars.  One of my father's many talents is naming the make and year of any car built before 1980.  Since the movie is so riveting he didn't say too much.  But when he did, it was usually something like, "46 Dodge."  Or, "47 Buick."  I'm not sure how he does that.


4 out of 5 stars
Popcorn and 80% Red Powerade and 20% Sprite.  Astute Tales followers will recognize that I've gradually increased the Red Powerade dosage.  Historians will decline to comment.  Dad had a Dr. Pepper and I'm not sure what RSD had.  Probably something gross.   

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