Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dickey's Closing?

A week ago I noticed the Dickey's parking lot empty at a time of day it shouldn't be empty.  Upon closer inspection, I found a "Dickey's closed due to mechanical problem" sign on the door, which also included "we will re-open in a few days."

Like I said, that was a week ago.  And it still hasn't re-opened.  Nor have I seen any kind of activity there.  

As is the usual modus operandi in this town, when a restaurant closes, some vague explanation is usually given rather than just saying, "We are closing.  Forever."  

I hope I'm wrong, but I've seen this scenario play out too many times.  Somehow the busiest intersection in the state of North Dakota has again proven to be the kiss of death for one of my favorite establishments.  Before Dickey's, it was Mi Mexico.

If this is the end of Dickey's, I feel bad for the owner, Josh.  He's a good guy and worked hard on getting the restaurant open. 

1 comment:

  1. "busiest intersection in the state of North Dakota" - I Always Love That One
